Nifty gay beast slave

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Larry Had A Little Lamb - by DeeLightful - Larry the sheepherder learns that sex with his sheep is a pleasant thing. Lane's Dog Breath - by ArtOutOfMyMind - Fun with my friend and his dog while camping out. But then they take her on to another ordeal that involves dogs and horses. The nights in shinning armour that stop to help, end-up raping her. Lady Virginia’s Night to Remember - by Lord John Thomas - Lady Virginia was returning home from a night clubbing, when her car breaks down. If you're having problems accessing the stories on this page. If you have some good 'bestiality stories' - or have written one that isn't here, how about sending it in so everyone can read it. This is a collection of bestiality stories from the Kristen Directories. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff The Kristen Archives are a free erotic story resource for consenting adults.

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The Kristen Archives - Just Bestiality Stories

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